I've been to nine countries

At a young age of 19, I've been to nine countries. Quite an achievement, I daresay. Haha.

Here are those countries, in chronological order since my birth. The age when I first stepped foot on the country follows in parentheses.

  1. USA (Age 0)
  2. Suriname (Age 2)
  3. Indonesia (Age 3)
  4. Singapore (Age 6)
  5. England (Age 6)
  6. Bahamas (Age 6)
  7. Vietnam (Age 15)
  8. Malaysia (Age 16)
  9. Japan (Age 19)

Finally Woken  – (19 July 2009 at 11:25)  

I'm still adamant that England isn't a country. It's part of a country called United Kingdom or "Great Britain & Northern Island".

After all, you don't list down Miami as a country you have visited, but USA instead, right?


toshi  – (19 July 2009 at 22:14)  

miami is a city, florida is a state, while USA is a country.

well i don't buy u. i still prefer to see England as a country.

Bcoz unlike Jawa Tengah in Indonesia or Aquitaine in France or Nevada in USA, England has a central govt of her own.

Let me quote from uncle Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/England)

England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom

or his other article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom)

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.


Finally Woken  – (20 July 2009 at 02:50)  

I beg your pardon, I mean you should put Florida, rather than USA.

It's just in UK we call the 4 areas "countries" since historically they were separate kingdoms with their independent governments. In USA, you don't call them countries, but "states" instead.

Central government governs 4 countries; England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Each has local parliamentary, a devolved administration, which can make decision on local issues such as education and transportation, whilst the national and more important issues like tax, defense, and international policy is done by UK central government.

I am sure Florida has its own local law. Its policy re.same sex union might or might not be the same as Utah, for example. And just like Florida, England has its own flag.

And... most importantly, we don't have England passport. We have "Great Britain & Northern Ireland" passport.

Although, interesting enough, we don't have UK football team. Each has their own 'national' team!

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