Indo-lyric: Mimpi (Anggun)

English translation:


In blackness and the dark of the night
I stand here resisting loneliness
Here on this beach
millions of memories have been buried
Dashed by the viscous waves
covered with coral reefs
that could never be repeated

Whitened face, limp and pale
scarred, with a wound in heart
Your eyes open a story
of a true love tainted
Erase all hallucinations
eliminate the only hope
Where else, should we look

You rely on, the burdens of your shoulders
You sowed the seeds of love, yet emotions

Bouncing far, flying high, with your dreams
Sleep asound within sea of emotions
After I am conscious, you're already far away
Leaving dreams, with endless boundaries

There is only this yearnings possessing my chest
As if a promise have flown high
carried away with the flow of love, aflame


Original lyric in Indonesian:

Dalam hitam, gelap malam,
ku berdiri, melawan, sepi…
Disini, di pantai ini,
telah terkubur sejuta kenangan
Dihempas keras gelombang,
yang tertimbun batu karang,
yang tak ‘kan mungkin, dapat terulang

Wajah putih, pucat pasi,
tergores, luka di hati
Matamu, membuka kisah,
kasih asmara yang telah ternoda
Hapuskan semua khayalan,
lenyapkan satu harapan
Kemana lagi, harus mencari

Kau sandarkan, sejenak beban diri
Kau taburkan, benih kasih, hanyalah emosi

Melambung jauh, terbang tinggi, bersama mimpi
Terlelap dalam, lautan emosi
Setelah aku, sadar diri, kau t’lah jauh pergi
Tinggalkan mimpi, yang tiada bertepi

Kini hanya rasa rindu, merasuk di dada
Serasa sumpah melayang pergi,
terbawa arus kasih, membara


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