The songs I listen to

Whenever I’m feeling down, I listen to Avril.

Whenever I’m feeling cheerful, I listen to Corrine May or The Corrs or Michael Buble.

When I’m having a normal day, it’s either Coldplay or John Mayer or Jack Johnson.

But over the last couple of days, I listen to ALL of them at one straight shot.

Ugh… All this mood swing is sickening me.


Please forgive me for all this emotional crap. I know I should’ve shown a more professional attitude in this English blog.

And I shouldn’t be treating this blog like a stepchild.

It’s my other journal that I should treat as such.

But strangely enough, my friends are much more interested in my other journal. They say that my personal writings are the things that they could relate to, hence all the interest. Some even have suggested redirecting their blogroll to that newbie journal instead of this one.

Oh, please.

If I have granted you access to my Indonesian-language blog, consider yourself privileged. Because not everyone is allowed to read it, which is exactly the reason I use Bahasa Indonesia there.

And if you are one of the 30 people who are currently linking to this Foreign Prophecies blog, I would strongly suggest you against linking my Indonesian-language diary, ever.

Please don’t link to that one, because I don’t even tag it from this Foreign Prophecies blogroll myself.

Let me get back to the title of today’s entry.

If you wanna know which song I could relate most right now, it is Avril’s Tomorrow.

Anonymous –   – (28 April 2008 at 01:52)  

wah saya cuma seneng ma Girlfriendnya Avril, karena kedengerannya tuh kocak dan provokatif, palagi cara nyanyiinnya persis kaya ngajak berantem.

saya juga suka musik, lagu terutama barat dan terutama musik taun 70, 80, 90 an. lagu jaman sekarang juga banyak yang suka, kaya Justin Timberlake suka hehehe

toshi  – (29 April 2008 at 05:35)  

iyah? kalo gw sih oldies yg disenengin cuma tahun 60an ama 70an.. kalo 80an mah agak aneh.. :D

just my opinion (soalnya gw sndiri lahir tahun 89 sih) hehe

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