People who don't read my blog

This is really a blogger's thing.

No matter how famous a particular blogger is, there must be several select group of close people whom the blogger would rather not have the blog read by.

For me particularly, absolutely NONE of my friends in Bali knows any existence of Foreign Prophecies (yes, that includes Sis R too! She could have read this blog if I had given her the link, but I don't think that would be a very nice thing to do). And there are only a handful of those in Singapore who have read this blog of mine and visits it on a regular basis.

My parents know the existence of this blog, and so does a couple of my other relatives, uncles, and aunts... And I know some of them are dropping by for a visit from time to time.

Well let me say... Hello!


But to make my blog's fame circulated in Bali... I don't think it would be a very good idea. I would have less liberty in discussing my past life in Bali by doing that, because there are several of them whose stories are not very well-told in my blog.

So for the moment, I just hope nobody in Bali happens to recognise Toshi's real identity... Or even if they happen to click by, it would be no more than just a 5 minutes of bloghopping.

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