Post-exam void

Back in my Singapore days, I used to have one thing I termed "Post-exam void" (PEV).

It isn't a syndrome, but it does look like one. In fact, I think most people feel it the way I do (I haven't surveyed anyone on this matter though, but feel free to raise your hands if you think you're one of the crowd).

Post-exam void, in my lexicon, is defined as the feeling of emptiness you feel after finishing a long series of stressful examinations, presumably deriving from not knowing what to do during the holidays.

It might sound weird really, but oftentimes during my post-exam void I had wished that I could go back and enjoy mugging up all those tomes and lab notes with my friends in the prep room with the accompanying MP3s on the iPod.

Feeling empty inside was the worst feeling that one could feel; I simply had no planning.

Playing the online games? Nah, not my type of leisure.

Going out to the beach? I guess that could wait.

Sleeping all day? That would do, but again I had to wake up and still left withthat same sense of emptiness.

My dislike towards PEV doesn't in anyway suggest that I love studying though; because everyone around me knows that I am a natural-born slacker.

Again, counting the remaining days until I got back to Indonesia was one thing that I could enjoy during the PEV.

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