Indonesian student died of National Exam

Arin Triani, a secondary student from Madiun, East Java, suddenly collapsed when she was stepping out of the exam venue. She was brought straight to the hospital but it was too late. She died while having the Natural Sciences national exam.

As for now, the police have not found any signs of violence. According to the teachers and her friends, Arin did have a heart disease. Due to the lack of signs of violence, her body was soon handed to the family for a burial.

(Above is the shortened translation of the news excerpt from SCTV below)

Such a tragic happening indeed. She did not even have the chance to enjoy how it felt to be liberated from all those exam stresses…


09/05/2008 06:05 Pendidikan
Arin Meninggal Saat Ikut Ujian Nasional, Madiun:
Suasana Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri II, Kecamatan Geger, Madiun, Jawa Timur, Kamis (8/5) siang, mendadak ramai. Ini setelah Arin Triani, siswi kelas IX C, tiba-tiba terjatuh ketika keluar dari ruang ujian. Bahkan, saat dibawa ke ruang unit kesehatan sekolahm nyawa Arin sudah tak tertolong. Arin meninggal saat mengikuti ujian nasional mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.

Hasil identifikasi sementara, polisi tak menemukan adanya tanda-tanda kriminalitas. Menurut sejumlah guru dan rekan korban, Arin memang memiliki penyakit jantung. Lantaran tak ada unsur kekerasan, jenazah Arin diserahkan kepada keluarganya untuk dimakamkan.(BOG/Dirgo Suyono)

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