My extreme jealousy

I have a confession to make.

I don’t know why, but I easily get jealous over a lot of things. Here are a few examples:

When a male friend finally gets a date with a new girlfriend, I’m jealous. Not jealous because of his hot date, but jealous because I haven’t got any date of my own.

When a cousin bought the newest handphone, I got covetous as I compared it to my 5-year-old Nokia 6100 handphone…

When another tells me a story of his recent vacation to Japan, I get jealous because I haven’t got the money to visit Japan yet.

However, none of my friends/relatives has ever labeled me an “easily envious guy” because I always do my best to hide it. I just hope that this jealousy of mine would subside soon… It’s one of the 7 deadly sins anyway, isn’t it?

Anonymous –   – (8 April 2008 at 02:25)  

confession? i forgive you my son (*bagai di ruang pengakuan dosa hehehe, peace, canda loh).

emang sih, rumput tetangga lebih hijau daripada rumput sendiri. sesuatu yang tidak kita miliki memang menggoda tapi sebaliknya sesuatu yang kita miliki justru kita anggap tidak menarik sama sekali. gak salah juga sih itu, justru bikin kita semangat meraih impian yang ingin dicapai, asalkan gak kebablasan.

jealous yang sehat adalah jealous yang membuat kita semangat menggapai mimpi, yang kita yakini akan membuat diri kita bahagia dan memberikan kehidupan yang lebih baik untuk kita (*as if I'm an expert of this issue, ignore it better...hahaha)

toshi  – (8 April 2008 at 22:28)  

justru kayanya gw jealous yg ngga sehat d, hehe.. soalnya gw cuma bs ngiri doang ama milik org, haha..

tp ada benernya jg, gw sering ngga menghargai apa yg gw miliki.. i guess i better fix this bad character of mine, right?

thx for the advice btw. u're the expert :D

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