Damn exam.

Those two damn exams today, which are English Compo and Social Studies, finally finished!!! Hahaha.... ^o^ I'm very happy! I'm a bit plong now, bcoz in my opinion, SS is one of the most difficult exams. You might like it if you have advantage in English. You've got to write long essays and interpret meaning of sources for 3-4 pages in only 90 minutes...

The English Compo I've done today probably is the worst compo I've written. I was nervous by that time, bcoz it was the first Paper, and among the topics which were given as options, none of them include the type of writing I like, which are Narrative and descriptive writing (imaginative ones). But I've chosen an argumentative writing instead. For your information, I've never written any argumentative writings, so I was not really sure about the structure I've used. Due to that, all of my compositions got lousy(Even section B one, which is a situational report). The grammar was lousy, the structures were scrabbled... Ugh. Now I even think that my English is much better when I'm typing tis Blog rather than writing that Compo.

For my SS, it was not as difficult as I thought. In fact, it was quite easy!! The SBQ which did not hav any connection with the textbook materials have been given a page of Background Info, and the SEQ was very easy!! The only thing is that I haven't got enough time to finish it... I only haven't finish the last question of SBQ, which has 7 marks, so now I lost 7 marks out of 50 already....

Gabrielle  – (6 May 2005 at 03:32)  

compo and SS?? sec school?

toshi  – (6 May 2005 at 22:38)  

Yes, you're right. Thx for visiting my Blog! ^__^

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