If you are a regular visitor of my blog, you might have noticed that sometime earlier this month, my blog was rendered inaccessible for a week.
I was making amends.
In the past, I had made several faux pas by saying some hateful or spiteful comments towards some of you (or several individuals you may be acquainted with).
They were merely fleeting opinions. I had not truly meant to say those things.
They also do not necessarily summarize my opinion of any individuals whatsoever. I have come to realise that such remarks were unnecessary, unjustified, and immature.
As for now, I would like to personally apologise to whomever amongst you readers who had been personally hurt by those writings of mine.
However, you might have noticed that I have not cleaned up my "bad posts" archives entirely. I have had nearly 900 blog posts from a diverse array of themes over the last six years, hence discarding those contemptful remarks of mine would have to take quite more of my time.
Be rest assured though, I will withdraw those "bad posts" in due time.