Last day of waterpark

Today is the last day the Florence waterpark opens. Apparently, most (outdoor) swimming pools in the northern part of America only opens during the summer holiday season when it is more profitable to let them open.

The kids originally planned to swim today. Too bad the plan doesn't work.

~post'script: The weather has been eerily cold for the last two days, despite being a Summer day. It was 20 degrees celcius yesterday, and 18 degrees today.

Anonymous –   – (23 August 2009 at 20:54)  

Wah, udah summer ya di US?

Maaf, saya mah katrok, ga apal musim-musiman di dunia, hehehe..

Di Indonesia juga udah masuk musim panas, dan kita kena efek La Nina (atau El Nino ya?), jadinya keriiing banget, terus anginnya kenceeeng banget.

Aneh ya... harusnya bulan Agustus jadi pembuka musim hujan (yang disusul bulan-bulan berakhiran -ber), tahun ini malah jadi pembuka musim panas.

Climate Change udah kejadian beneran di Indonesia.

Salam kenal... Maaf baru balas kunjungan sekarang.. (baru mulai aktif ngeblog lagi soalnya, hehehe..)

toshi  – (5 September 2009 at 23:28)  

hmm ga gitu ngerti deh efek The Girl ato The Boy (definisi dr El nino-la nina..hehe).

tp yg jelas sih emg musimnya aneh ni...musim panas dsini aja kdg2 masih bisa turun ke 15 drajat celcius.

suka baca ttg perubahan iklim jg ya?
buka blog saya di ya


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