In Bali, twins of the opposite sex are supposed to be married to each other

Sounds incestuous?

Yes, but that is the norm which is still carried till this day. The Balinese people believe that if you happen to be born as twin siblings (and your twin belongs to your opposite gender), then the two of you are a match made in heaven because you come from the same womb, they say..

Both siblings have to be together in almost everything they do starting from their infancy.

Quote from Bali Post, the leading newspaper in the province:

Misalnya yang kembar dengan dua jenis kelamin, sejak kecil harus dipisahkan dan setelah besar harus dinikahkan karena mereka sudah dijodohkan sejak dalam kandungan. Bayi kembar sebaiknya dua-duanya harus diberikan baju yang sama, sepatu yang sama dan semua hal tidak boleh berbeda agar satu sama lain tidak saling iri dsb.

Believe it or not.

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