Indo-lyric: Tak Bisa Memiliki (Dygta)

English translation:

Can't Have You

If only
I still have a lot of time
to remain in your side
keeping your heart content

will always aspire
to give the best
for you only

But forgive me
my time is temporary

I couldn't have
nor keep your love
Even though my heart loves you, and keeps you here
I don't want you to get hurt
by loving me
please wipe your tears and forget me

in the limits of my hope
I just want you to be happy
and go on with your life

Original lyric in Indonesian:

Waktuku tersisa
Untuk slalu di sisi
Menjaga hatimu

Kan slalu mencoba
Berikan yang terbaik
Untuk kau miliki

Tapi maafkan aku
Waktuku hanya sesaat

Aku tak bisa memiliki
Menjaga cintamu
Walau sesungguhnya hatiku mencintaimu, memilikimu
Aku tak ingin kau terluka
Mencintai aku
Hapuslah air matamu dan lupakan aku

Di batas asaku
Hanya ingin kau bahagia
Jalani hidupmu

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