When there are two versions of the "truth"...

which one should you believe?

I discovered this "truth" from two of my close friends recently, let's call them A and B (I won't use a pseudonym because that would be an easy catch).

A says that B is bla-bla-bla, and for a while, I accepted A's story as the truth because I know very well that A is not the type of person who spreads dishonesty.

But recently, I asked B whether A's story is correct: if B truly is bla-bla-bla like A has told me.

Wanna know what B told me?

"Nah, it's actually A who is bla-bla-bla, not me!"

Now I'm confused which version is the truth...is it A's story or B's story?

Is it a matter of how much you trust the person concerned?

Frankly, I am much closer to B than I am to A, but regarding matters of honesty; I think it's safe to say that I trust A much more than I trust B.

When there are two versions of the "truth", which one should you believe? Would you look for confirmations from outside sources too?

Or would you gamble on one of the two "truths"?

Because at least you have 50% chance of being correct anyway.

Anonymous –   – (15 October 2008 at 06:09)  

tosh, sorry ya, lagi sibuk bgt belon sempet liat entrynya. maybe next week..

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