Putting a brick in your tea and breast in your glass

The following text is originally lifted from the trivia section of The Jakarta Post dated Saturday, 29 March 2008.

~Compiled from various sources~

  • Wine has about the same number of calories as an equal amount of grape juice.
  • A raisin dropped into a glass of champagne will repeatedly bounce up and down between the top and the bottom of the glass.
  • The shallow champagne glass first originated with Marie Antoinette, from wax moulds made of her breasts.
  • The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.
  • A 200 ml can of soda pop contians the equivalent of an average nine teaspoons of sugar.
  • The original name of Pepsi-Cola was Brad's Drink.
  • Green Tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea.
  • Tea was discovered in China more than 5,000 years ago.
  • England's national drink, tea, was first sold as a medicinal beverage.
  • A common drink for Tibetans is "butter tea" which is made out of butter, salt and brick tea.
  • A drink used to be made by the Aztec for the gods which had the ingredients of ground cocoa mixed in with spices and corn.
  • For many years, the fig has been used as a coffee substitute. The fruit contains proteolytic enzyme that is considered an aid to digestion and is used by the pharmaceutical company.
  • Most non-dairy creamers are flammable.
  • The main difference between chocolate and cocoa is the amount of fat.
  • There is no legitimate definition for white chocolate; brown chocolate contains cocoa liquor (non-alcoholic) and cocoa butter, while white chocolate contains only cocoa butter.
  • The same chemical responsible for the ecstatic highs of love and sexual attraction, phenylethylamine, is also found in chocolate.
  • One ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine.
  • The early eating bars of chocolate were made of bittersweet chocolate. Milk chocolate was introduced in 1875 when Henry Nestle, a maker of evaporated milk, and Daniel Peter, a chocolate maker, got together and invented milk chocolate, which today is preferred by 80% of the world's population.
  • Honey is 80% sugars and 20% water.
  • Honey has been used for millenia as a topical dressing for wounds since microbes cannot live in it. It also produces hydrogen peroxide. Honey has even been used to embalm bodies such as that of Alexander the Great.

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