Former Indonesian president Megawati unable to attend Soeharto’s funeral

Original Indonesian text:

…sejak hari Sabtu malam 26 Januari 2008, Mega berada di Singapura untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin. Sehingga dengan agenda yang sudah terjadwal, dipastikan Mega tidak bisa hadir melayat ke kediaman Soeharto di Jalan Cendana maupun ke pemakaman di Astana Giribangun.

"Bu Mega sangat bersedih dengan kepergian Pak Harto karena mengingatkan dengan suasana saat meninggalnya Bung Karno, ayahanda Ibu Megawati,” [kata Ari Djunaidi, staf khusus beliau]……

English translation by Toshihiko Atsuyama:

…Since Saturday night of 26 January 2008, Mega was in Singapore to have her routine medical checkup. With a scheduled agenda, it could be assured that Mega was unable to pay her last respect to the Soeharto residence in Cendana street as well as the Astana Giribangun cemetery.

Bu Mega was deeply saddened with the loss of Pak Harto because it reminds her of the atmosphere when Bung Karno, Ibu Megawati’s father, passed away,” [as explained by Ari Djunaidi, her special staff]……

It is somehow not so big a surprise that Bu Mega (Bu is a suffix for woman in Indonesian language) was so tightly scheduled with all her medical checkups that she refused was unable to attend Soeharto’s funeral.

Now that I think of it, there was also another event that Bu Mega was unable to attend: the incumbent Indonesian president SBY’s inauguration. She must be very busy, eh?

I was particularly intrigued by this emboldened quotation below:

Bu Mega was deeply saddened with the loss of Pak Harto because it reminds her of the atmosphere when Soekarno, Bu Mega’s father, passed away,”

I’m not so good in reading between the lines, hence I’d be grateful if any of you could enlighten me on what that quotation was supposed to mean. ^_^

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