13 June 2010

Unwavering loyalty for Japan in the South Africa 2010 World Cup

In around 10 hours from now, the match between Japan and Cameroon will commence. And this is the first of several games I had been waiting for months.

I had specially requested vacation days from office just in order to watch Japan's matches on this South African 2010 World Cup. I have been a loyal supporter of the Japanese soccer team since I watched their play in 2002 (where they were halted by the Turks), and in the unfortunate 2006 Cup in Germany (where they couldn't advance from the first round simply because they were on the same group with Brazil that time).

My support this time? It will be for Japan, as always was, and as always will. It is an unwavering support, and I don't care if people say that Japan is not really a strong team or that the Japanese players are relatively shorter than their European counterparts.

I do love to watch France, Germany and England matches too though, as they always deliver superb performances.

What about South America?

I'm not entirely a big fan of any of the players in this continent, so I'll reserve my comment on this one.

Regarding the USA team (the team of my country of residence), I do hope they lose their matches and do not advance at all to the next round. A draw with England of 1-1 was quite a disappointing one, England should have won the match.

Now don't get me wrong.

It's not that I don't love America. I do love the country I'm residing in, because this is where I really belong.

But in America, the World Cup fever is less than noticeable. It barely exists, at all!

If you people in Asia are all talking about the match between England and USA yesterday, in America nobody I knew were even aware that USA is playing on TV!

So I guess it does fit the logic if I prefer other teams that generates much more enthusiasm and fan support from its own citizens.

Again, don't get me wrong, I love America though. I really do. I'm just not a big fan of its soccer team.

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