12 May 2010

The birth of Toshi's Japanese language blog

After years of studying Japanese (on and off), I've finally released a blog in Japanese. Partially inspired by my friend Boon (who in turn was inspired by my French blog, as he told me), and coupled with the fact that this may be a good opportunity for me to practise the language, I decided to open that new blog.

Regarding the naming of the blog...

Firstly I looked for a more cheerful name associated with nature such as Natsu Yasumi (Summer Holiday), Kawasemi (Kingfisher) or Take no Ko (Bamboo Shoot). But they were all taken.

Then the choice came down to two available names. Both start with "Bamboo". I don't know why I like it. Perhaps having the name "Bamboo" on my new blog gives it a more subtle, Japanese touch to it.

It was either Take Zao (Bamboo Pole) or Take no Izumi (Bamboo Springs). In the end, I eliminated the name Take Zao from my option because of:
  1. I want to have the kana No (の) which enables readers to differentiate my blog from thinking that it is written in Mandarin.
  2. "Take no Izumi" has a nicer ring to the ears than "Take Zao".
  3. The name "Take Zao" itself has an initial of TZ which, if used as a blog title, would seem too deliberated (if you understand whom what I'm referring to..hehe)
So now I have four blogs in four languages (the other one, Jakarta Hijau is not really an individually authored blog). Under the danger of being one of those bloggers who have created too many blogs in the blogosphere (but rarely write any post at all), I promise I would do my best to ensure that there will be at least one post every month for all four of them.

Now that the introduction to "Take no Izumi" is done, please drop by for a visit in my Japanese blog!

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