14 January 2010

100 things to do before I die

Ambitions, desires, dreams, obsessions, you name it. I'll be visiting this post from time to time, to cross out which items I have completed with the completion date next to it. I wish God would grant me a life long enough to achieve all these (^_^)

1. Travel by Eurail
2. Continue learning piano
3. Obtain Master's degree
4. Visit New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland
5. Taste a Swiss wine from its local vineyards
6. Be entirely fluent in six languages
7. Watch Czech Philharmonic Orchestra live
8. Author a book
9. Participate in a Shinto pilgrimage
10. Have an American road trip from coast to coast
11. Date a French (or French-speaking) girl
12. Take kendo lessons
13. Have an audience with the Pope (or at least attend his Vatican mass)
14. Watch a FIFA World Cup match live
15. Live in a European country for at least two years
16. Ride a camel in a Middle eastern country
17. Exile myself to a Tibetan monastery in Mongolia
18. Lower my handicap in golf
19. Go on a cruise
20. Master the art of solving Rubik's cube
21. Obtain a deep diver's certificate
22. Ride a gondola in Venice
23. Milk a cow
24. Have read at least 1,000 books during entire lifetime
25. Have watched at least 3,000 movies during entire lifetime
26. Have visited at least 50 countries during entire lifetime
27. Ski in the alps
28. Go without watching TV for 90 days straight
29. Have a passive-income job
30. Stay in a Tokyo capsule hotel with my girlfriend/wife
31. Take ice-skating lessons
32. Try fencing
33. Take salsa lessons
34. Go on a helicopter ride
35. See the fjords of Norway
36. Work for a travel magazine
37. Swim in the largest swimming pool in the world in Chile
38. Get married
39. Be a regular blood donor
40. Audition for Amazing Race
41. Stay with a jungle tribe
42. Create a trust fund
43. Swim with dolphins
44. Be a groomsman at a friend's wedding
45. Become a vegetarian for a week
46. Grow bonsai tree
47. Join a bowling league
48. Stay in an Indian ashram
49. Go to a St. Patrick's Day parade
50. Learn how to make sushi
51. Sleep under the stars for three nights straight
52. Adopt an accent for an entire week
53. Own a gun
54. (...will jot down more as soon as I get new ideas to fill in)


  1. Owh did I read 'em all correctly? 100 things? Don't you think it's a bit too many? ^_^

    But it's such an awesome list, pal. It really is.

    can I add some? Meeting Bernard Madoff, for example?

    I was wondering what made you want to visit Ireland. I love it, too. The celtic music, bodhran, green vast meadows, medieval churches and castles.

  2. Ah, Ireland.

    The meadows they have there remind me of the world of [strike]Teletubbies[/strike] Lord of The Rings. Purely beautiful, kinda like Europe's version of NZ.

    And I'm curious of the ppl too.

    Do you notice the way Irish ppl speak their English?

    Sexy...plainly sexy.

    Compared to the Australians, Scots, Singaporeans, Americans, or Brits, the Irish ppl speak the sexiest English accent of all.

    Try watching "Once" or "PS I love you" to see my point.

    Celtic music is also another thing I love most abt the Irish. Perhaps we can arrange a road trip there someday, dude~! Hehe.

    Anyway akhlis, you and I are both still in our 20s. And the average human life is about 75, so it is fair enough that provided we pass away of natural death, we still have 50 years to live.

    Providing that I can fulfil two wishes in a year, in 50 years I would have fulfilled 100 of those wishes. So as you can see, having 100 wishes to fulfil wouldn't be as hard as you think. As a matter of fact, I suggest you make your own 100 wishes list too, there is no harm in making one.

    And guess what, I already have two of the wishes on my list ready to be crossed out this year. Can you guess which ones they are? :D

  3. Pastinya ga mungkin no38 lah. Secara situ lagi puasa pacaran..hihi

  4. Pernah liat di Oprah juga ada orang yang bikin wishes list kaya gitu ttg kehidupan pribadinys. Eh, beberapa taun setelahnya, wishes list-nya terkabul semua ternyata..cck cck..ngiri gw

  5. I like number 18. 'Lower my handicap in golf'.

