22 November 2009

Deep down in my heart

Deep down in heart, I still wish that I was better in Science. But nah, science has always been my weakest point ~,~


  1. what's with the sudden wish to be good at Science?

    if it's metaphorically,i get it. if you mean it literally, care to explain?

  2. Nope, not sudden.

    My life would've been a hell lot easier if i was good at it... I've always shown to everybody my hatred for science, but as a matter of fact, i think i hate it bcoz i can't be good at it.


    I would've loved it if it was the other way round though.

  3. err... i was never sarcastic, boon.

    it'd be great if i was a better in physics or biology...

    although i still don't have much penchant for chemistry


  4. I'm joining the club, Tosh!
    Science has never been my favorite subject, though I enjoyed studying Biology better than pyshics, chemistry, or anything related to science. It was just because I don't have to calculate or encounter figures in Biology...Biology 's the best,especially when it comes to reproduction system discussion...hmm,love it,can't get enough
